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Alan had to deal with a situation where app automation would have been helpful. This includes apps to help with travel plans.
And with traveling and trying to automate, various cloud services are available, but man, the problems Stephen has had using Google and their lack of support.
[00:00:05] Alan: There we go. Yeah. How my so shadowed here. This is wild. Let’s see. At least we got the head in the middle. Yeah. Of course I’m out in California instead of at home in uh, Lakewood and I’m right next to a big patio door. And I thought I’d be able to have another light source that would even that out.
No it doesn’t. No,
I guess I’ll just be the shadow man today. I get over here. That’s better. Okay. Don’t move. Not really. Just the old days of okay. Billy, go adjust the antenna now, hold that for the length of the show. Everybody
[00:00:36] Stephen: hold. Yeah. The revenue. Exactly. For the, for any kids listening, they won’t get that so how are you a
[00:00:41] Alan: I’m doing fine, actually.
It in fact here, this is a good launching point. So I’m out in California I’m taking care of the house, visiting mom usually one week outta the month that. Without people living in the house the constant fear is that what’s gonna happen to it. We actually had something recently where they have a sprinkler system, an irrigation system, cuz they have a beautiful, beautifully landscape and it’s California.
So they have an orange tree and birds of paradise and all that kind of stuff. So you really don’t want it to go south part of the beauty of the house and the resale value of the house is the beautiful landscaping. We have a neighbor Corey who noticed that one of the, it was spritzing either the she thought it was at first a sprinkler had, but then it turned out to be upon investigation.
A break in the actual line that goes from the main line of the house, into the irrigation system that leaves everything else. And you don’t find that out until you. The city of Oceanside send a person out because they’re concerned about water waste. You know what I mean? It’s drought conditions out here.
They have restrictions on how often you’re allowed to water anything. Pretty soon. They might even have Hey, you guys shower on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Friday that kind of thing. people we had people investigate that they had to dig to find it. The people, the plumbers that we had first come out said, we really aren’t experts at sprinkling and irrigation.
So we’ll do the work, but we won’t warranty it. And it’s that’s an ideal situation. You’ll do some work. You’ll bury it. And then if something, once again, screws up, you’re not responsible. So we using the wonderful of Angie at formerly Angie’s list. Now, Angie, we found people that really specialized in conclusion irrigation and we We found someone to take care of it.
It’s really working perfectly. I saw it sprinkled this morning and stuff like that. The reason for saying all this, and the reason that it’s geeky is. It’s very cool that I’m such a computer guy that I do a lot of virtual work, but I’ve always been, I really love things that are engineered beautifully, that they’re designed like how electricity works, how water works.
There’s many similarities in terms of pressure of flow of right, how impeded and that kind of stuff. And so they replaced former timers and former heads of various different things with new modern ones that are better materials, more state of the art for all. I know they’re like Bluetooth and wifi and I can control ’em from my phone but it’s just the, what was done 20, 25 years ago, science marches along, even in that regard and especially in terms of everything we’re doing nowadays to conserve to make sure that there is a little monitor on there.
And it’ll tell you I’m part of what I asked about was. Is there any way in the act of doing all this fixing that you can also put on that little thing that will say, Hey, something’s flaky. Get somebody to check it before we have a Geer before things
[00:03:37] Stephen: break, the basement gets flooded and yeah, like
[00:03:40] Alan: that.
And in fact, that was a big concern of mine. I’m doing all this remotely and Corey, our neighbor is wonderful in terms of, she stops buy in, make sure that the house doesn’t pay, that package has been on the porch for three days. Nobody must be home time for a happy break in or something terrible.
So the fact that she’s on site to find those things, but. It’s, I don’t want it to be that something unseen that’s outside the house, it’s in the sprinkler system. What if that was a burst pipe, then you don’t, nobody knows about it until I cracked the door open and on the
[00:04:12] Stephen: rug. That’s how my cousin lost a whole camper. It was sitting for the winter with the water hooked up and it sprung a leak. And for three months, water just poured into the camper and soaked through and yeah, ruined everything.
[00:04:24] Alan: And just that wa water really is one of those things that it doesn’t get any better if you leave it alone.
Does even more in the city damage, then it’s not water, it’s actually rust and it penetrates everywhere and all that kind stuff. So I’m glad that we were able to get this thing done, but it just re rekindled me that appreciation for instance, we went to Bilmore house it’s down in North Carolina and some of the.
Cool. Fascinating stuff was not, oh, rich people lived here, look at how they guilt their house. All that kinda stuff they had. It’s a working farm still. And a lot of what they did there was they developed some of the first harvesters and reapers and combined things where this machine goes down the field and it like plucks the ear of corn off the cornstalk.
And then maybe even SHS it automatically it’s got all the right toes built in with metal and steam and whatever else they did to be able to like, you know what’s the cotton gin is what they often say is one of the first big mass produced automated type things. And someone really solved that problem of this is a manually intensive thing.
It costs a lot of money if you’re not gonna have it done by slave labor. And we needed to fix that. Didn’t we? And it’s very cool. And people that come up with these solutions, like these sprinklers come on and they spritz a certain radiance and they can aim them so that they go the lawn or onto bushes or whatever else it might be.
They have all these attachments that you can like, kinda like building what they it’s interesting. That is for real nowadays, they have games that simulates, how do you build a plumbing system? How do you build a roller coaster? How do you build things that people used to have to really figure out to get a lead
[00:06:07] Stephen: empire
[00:06:08] Alan: like that?
Exactly. So I really have an appreciation for material science, people and the ones that like Colleen is the tax lady. She’s always done tax work on the side and had a number of fascinating clients. One of whom was the guy that when a company needed a particular part made that wasn’t mass produced, but had to be able.
And I’m gonna explain this. Poorly sometimes you have where there’s a force that comes in this direction and you have to turn it into a rotating force. And even then it isn’t just constantly rotating it kind of stutters. So there’s a gearing and a ratcheting and whatever else could be going on, this is the guy that would look at that system and kind of whittle make that first part, put it in place, prove that it works.
Then make a mold, make a metal piece and really fix Hey, now the airplane works better. Hey, now the city water runs again. And so I just admire the people that have that cool 3d sense and the ability to say I’m gonna make this out of wood and it’ll work, but only up to 300 RPM and that it’ll just disintegrate it.
So you’re gonna have to cast that concept. Yeah. Hats off to people that have that cool ability to, yeah, like my brother-in-law John does conveyor belts for a living. And if only it was, Hey, it comes in the door over here and goes along a conveyor belt and then the guy takes it off and puts it on the shelf.
No, they have whole convoluted things where it’s gonna go multiple belts and then depending on weight, it shuts it off to that, shuns it off to the left or the right, or, and you’ve seen them on the cool. How are things made shows? Yeah, they have like potato chip going down an assembly line and they have a little sensor that’s looking for the chars, the ones that are greener brown and not perfect.
And then they have a little air gum that they can go. And blow it off the conveyor belt. And someone said, I know how to make it so that it doesn’t have to be Laverne and Shirley or Lucy Andel long ago, trying to handle an assembly line. And then it speeds up and, oh my God, chaos en sues. They did it so that they can simulate human eyeballs and human hands.
And they can’t pick up potato chip with a little. Grasper. How about if we do a little air go, I just, I
[00:08:28] Stephen: ingenious. It’s just the coolest stuff. So today’s show is references that young people won’t get. And here’s another one you mentioned the the the cotton and all those things.
Your wife will love this one and she’s probably read it also. I remember reading in the Laura Engel’s books sure. Clear back when this is where I learned what horsepower really meant, because she talks about some sort of maybe a well or some sort of thing that, that her father had made. And they had get the neighbors over to get the horsepower working and they called the mechanism of horsepower.
But the reason was because they literally hooked horses up to it to walk and they needed four horsepower to get it working. Exactly. And it was literally four horses and that’s really where the name came from. There’s an old reference there.
[00:09:19] Alan: Honestly, she loves those books as you well know, she’s actually gonna do a talk on them one day because there’s all kinds of real world history and cool stuff about Laura Engels, wild to herself, as well as all the little house situations and stuff.
One of she and I have had cool talks about this, that What really changed the world. It was Sears being able to put out like a motor that would run off of electricity that could, and through a series of pulleys or elaborate belting systems and stuff, you could have this little motor spin, all the fans overhead in a big bar that kept people from going mad from heat in the middle of summer and it transferred it so that it it did a little like whatever you make into a sewing machine.
Yeah. Or and that the Sears catalog was kinda like what’sed the west is that instead of being only human power or horsepower or ox power, you started to have that as long as you could get a source of electricity. And they started to do that with mills and hydroelectric and whatever else it might be.
You what Gave women quality of life back then, it wasn’t only the vote and important things. It was the sewing machine, the washing machine, the things that made it, that they didn’t spend their life in subsistence level stuff like cooking constantly. If you were gonna work off of an old pot belled stove at old metal stove where you had to really know making it so that they could.
Be more intelligent and more efficient about what they were doing. Not just big lo locomotives, a very guy thing running across the rails and delivering things. It was all those little things that people could bring into their houses that gave them civilization and
[00:11:00] Stephen: And wow. It was a big thing too, not just Sears.
Cuz think back to the music man musical, they have the whole song about the Wells Fargo wagon coming into town and what’s it bringing for us exactly. We’re getting all sorts of
[00:11:13] Alan: stuff. , there’s a movie called the postman. That is much Kevin Costner. Exactly. And I don’t know a lot of people maybe cuz there was a certain backlash against Costner after dances with wolves and he had a series of great movies and then it was time to jump on him.
So Waterworld really got attacked and the postman really got attacked, but the postman, like it’s based on a story by, I think maybe David Brin, but I might be wrong about that. And what it is it talks about what an amazing thing that is. In the United States or any place that has civilization, you can put a stamp, 50 cent stamp on something and have it magically make its way across the country and be delivered to somebody working a gold claim.
You know what I mean in California and what a civilizing thing that is, it might be slow, ridiculously slow compared to what we have nowadays. People have to know that human history in our amazing modern world is compressed into this
[00:12:11] Stephen: tiny little edge of civilization.
[00:12:14] Alan: 4,000 years before that we had animal power, human power.
You know what I mean? What was the pony express? It was amazing that you could get a letter across the country in four days, not a fax across the country in two seconds.
[00:12:28] Stephen: The pony express lasted less time than that TV show did.
[00:12:34] Alan: I, that’s a great quote and that’s exactly right.
You know what it was like. The first FedEx, and it was very specific things that you might need it for like news of war, news of disaster or someone like that. You were talking about the sprinklers and all the apps to connect barring all the security issues that some of this is bringing into our lives, but really in your situation, how cool is that you can have ring doorbells, you can have security monitors, you could turn them on and look at, ’em sitting in Cleveland I got an alert.
[00:13:04] Stephen: Is there someone walking around in the house with exactly and it’s accessible, that’s the thing it’s not always you nowadays, you don’t have to call somebody a company to come in and rewire your whole house to set this up. It’s at Costco. You can buy it and plug it in and it’s all app if.
Trust me, I’m bad about taking pops, cans of pop and saying, oh, I need it cold, fast, shoving it in the freezer. And then 12 hours later. Cause I didn’t set an alarm. If my freezer could detect that and I could program it to alert me or the washing machine, I’ll put stuff in the wash. Totally forget about it until two days later.
And I’m like I better wash it
[00:13:46] Alan: again. Better rewash it. Cuz now it’s a little stinky.
[00:13:48] Stephen: Exactly. There’s benefits to all that. And there’s a lot of automation, a lot of things know, people laugh. Why do I need the internet on my toaster? You’re not surfing on your toaster, but what was it?
Oh my gosh, that was the thing back in the day. When the internet first started with cans and stuff the guys that was at MIT in the lab, they put a camera on the coffee pot so they could pot. So when it was empty and that was like a huge deal. Exactly.
[00:14:16] Alan: I wow. I love those kinds of things.
I, I we can just the miracles in some cases are not only that they did it, but that then they did it at a reasonable cost. I have gone on far too long about my wonderful bread machine. You know what I mean? Zhi made this, I think it costs like 240 bucks and that’s not nothing, but $300 seems to be the magic price born at which anything below that people will say, why not as opposed to I’m gonna plan and save up and so forth.
So that’s how DVD players first became popular. That’s how any number of devices. So this thing they looked at how to make a good loaf of bread. And in the real world, you really have to like, need it correctly to build the gluten. And you have to like, let it rise and you gotta punch it down.
There’s multiple steps to it. And someone said, I can simulate every one of those movements in a little box with pretty much a paddle. And heat and it’ll work. And I just, how cool is that, that they figured out exactly how many rotations you need so that you don’t over gluten the bread, or that you have different settings.
So that it’ll do it, the right thing for whole wheat versus pumper nickel versus pastry or something like that. And I, the fact that it’s, that’s so dependable, like if I was doing this manually, I’m sure I’d have one clinker bread out of 10, just because I didn’t do it correctly.
Whereas this guy with it’s the idiot Sivan breads, he just, he’s so happy to do this perfect series of repetitive motions that would bore the pants off of.
[00:15:44] Stephen: That’s a anyway. right. Absolutely. Okay. Let, if we’re gonna talk tech for a moment, let me tell you about my Google issues.
Yeah. You,
[00:15:52] Alan: you mentioned that Google support had not been as the heroes. They should be one it’s stupid.
[00:15:58] Stephen: OK. I switched, I mentioned before I switched over from one drive to Google drive because it was a little cheaper and a little bigger. Okay. So I’ll switch over to it. And that’s
[00:16:08] Alan: how you have cloud backup on site and right.
Good security
[00:16:12] Stephen: protocol. Okay. Yeah. All my documents are stored in there. So it’s all synced to the cloud so I can get on my laptop and get to it. That’s the idea. Lately, I’ve been playing around with various virtual machines of Linux and other various operating systems. I’ve got a few things.
I I just wanted to do with Linux, but again, if I have a VM on my desktop a day like this, I can’t go sit under the tree and access it, that’s one of the benefits of having laptops and stuff. So I put Google drive on my new laptop brand new, nice laptop. And it won’t let me access my VMs because they’re too big.
And I’m like, wait a second. Google
[00:16:54] Alan: drives like terabyte drives. Sorry,
[00:16:57] Stephen: go ahead. No. Yeah. So Google drive, it does a simulated partition, but it formats it as fat 30. So you can’t access
[00:17:04] Alan: anything.
So there is a limit there’s a ceiling. Exactly. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. And I’m
[00:17:06] Stephen: like, okay. So I got on with chat, with support, and this was like a month and a half ago and I’m chatting with them and there’s did you reboot your computer? I’m like, really? Did you seriously just ask me to reboot, reboot my damn computer seriously?
And so I’m chatting with them back and forth. Send me pictures. And I did look, I try and open it. And this is what it gives me. And I look, it says fat 32. It should be NTFS nowadays. Come on. Nobody uses fat 32 anymore. Not even on USB drives honestly,
[00:17:36] Alan: exactly. Once you move to NTFS, you never go back.
[00:17:39] Stephen: Okay. Or even what the Linux equivalent is the EFTs or EF FTPs, whatever they had one and we went back and forth. I’m glad to move this up to higher support. Can you send in images? Okay. So I took some screenshots, send it in, they replied back and said, Okay now get this. I was like, are you kidding me?
So I had a screen grab video, and I went to send it an email using Gmail, using my Gmail. And it said, it’s too big to send. Okay. We’ll automatically put it in Google drive and you can share it. Perfect. I love that. It’s all synced up. Good. Send it to ’em. They said, oh, we don’t have rights to access it.
You gotta change that. Really you you see the humor in this so I changed the, all of that, send the new link to ’em and they’re like could you give us some screenshots? I already sent you screenshots, right? They’re out. Okay. Yeah. And they’re like can you send us other ones?
We wanna see what’s going on? And like over the past month and a half, multiple times, I’ve had to send multiple videos, multiple screenshots of what’s going on. I’ve had to go to my desktop. It shouldn’t work on your desktop. It, no, it works. Look, it works. Oh, go give us some screenshots on your laptop.
I just did well, now that it works on your desktop, it always worked on my desktop. What are you talking about? I progress. I was here before I started
talking to you. Yes, exactly. So I went off, I got back a final email today from them and I hit caps lock and started typing it said we can’t help you because it involves a third party app.
[00:19:18] Alan: What an operating system. Okay. That, that they didn’t run up to anybody that was knowledgeable enough to answer the thing. They just got to the limit of what they allow tech support to spend
[00:19:29] Stephen: time on. They’re sloughing off the responsibility. Oh he’s using a third party app. So that must be the problem.
No, it’s not. It’s the, so I said, fine, screw you guys. I’ll go back to one drive. I never had problems with one drive, so that’s, I’m so sorry. That, , whenever you talk to any of those offsite, backup places, they tout, here’s the list of who all we are compatible with and it names every operating system for the last 20 years.
[00:19:59] Alan: But it doesn’t start talking about those deeper issues of. Anyway. Uh, Wow. Wow. And I’m not the only one with this issue. Obviously I’ve Googled actually I use Bing more than Google, so screw them. But I was search and there’s a lot of people with the same issue and I’ve never seen an answer wow.
What the heck in the knowledge base? I often when Colleen and I are having glitches and I’m like tech support for the house for all of our systems, one, one thing I’ll often say is we can’t be the only people having this problem and people dumber than us handled it. So we should be able to figure this out.
Am I just, am I not finding the right. Knowledge based article. That’s gonna walk me through and say, oh, you need to make sure you turn off this security thing. Cuz sometimes it is a third party app that interferes at a deep level would describe access. So you gotta worry about your, you knows and your SOS and your whoever else it might be.
Oh boy. Okay. It’s too.
[00:20:56] Stephen: And come on now. Here’s the only thing I thought of why they’re not wanting to fix this and why it’s they’re trying to ignore it. What format does Chromebooks use for their drives? Does Chromebooks still use fat 32? And they want to keep this working with Chromebook. And that’s the big reason it is.
I’m, I don’t know. I don’t have a Chromebook to verify or anything, but yeah. What’s
[00:21:21] Alan: funny is sometimes they’ll to make compatibility, they’ll go with the lowest common denominator. Yes. That they been around for forever and negate, the reason they came up with like newer, better, stronger file systems is they wanted to be able to do versioning and checkpointing and they wanted to be, there’s all kinds of reasons why they were better, not just go with the, oh,
[00:21:43] Stephen: well, and it’s not my drive, my laptop and my desktop it’s NTFS. So it’s not, they literally made this partition and formatting.
[00:21:53] Alan: Exactly. I have occasionally. Apple offers all kinds of things where you can do journaling or non journaling, or lower an Upcase mixed or top.
And sometimes they just offer the list of what it might be. And I’ll be like this sounds like the best alternative. And then months later you find out, oh, Now that I have it as journaled. Now I can’t also encrypt it because that is, there’s sometimes you make choices in naivete that then you find out that it had implications and you had no clue when you were first working.
So I’m, I, this doesn’t sound like it even made, gave you a choice. It does what it does and then tells you, oh, that’s got, now you got limitations as to
[00:22:33] Stephen: sock. And stuff like that. It’s OK. And what you just mentioned that I was, this was, I was like ringing my head when I was looking to buy a new Keurig.
We, we have Keurig, we love Keurig it works great. Because if you go look at all the models, it’s they have these simple ones it does a cup at a time. Great. And I’m like, okay. But that, I like to do the bigger cups, not just smaller cups. Okay. This one does smaller cups and it has a coffee pot.
So you can do a four pot or four cup things. So you can do both grounds or what. Okay. I like that. Oh, But this one has the father with, to make cappuccinos and stuff. Oh, but it doesn’t have the coffee pot. Oh, I don’t know if I like that. Oh, but this other one you can control the temperature and turn the temperature up just a little bit or adjust it.
Oh. But it doesn’t come with the, what the hell? Why can’t I,
[00:23:20] Alan: so why are they making trade offs instead of keep adding it’s all, you should always be additive and better. Yes. I see what you’re saying. Yeah.
[00:23:27] Stephen: So I hate that cuz it’s I really want the father, but I really wanna control the temperature and it’d be nice to have the coffee pot.
I’m just buy four of them. We’ll just have four.
[00:23:37] Alan: I don’t this is funny. Based on being a software developer for a long time, there often are things where instant pot came out and good. Getting rain reviewers I’ll go get one because it was becoming more known. They started to have version mock two and walk three and that kind of stuff, and the software guy.
And he said that thing that’s been in development for 10 years and has all the bugs ironed out of it. I want that the new things that they’re doing, where now I can do boiled eggs for you automatically. If you’re looking for where they’re gonna have mistakes, it’s in the newest versions that they rushed to market.
Yeah. And so there’s any number of times that I’ve actively sought out. Amazon will even say there’s a new, newer version of this available. No, I really don’t want the newer version. I want the one that consumer reports or other places reviewed and has a good track record for reliability.
That’s the one I want is the legitimate one, not the up sale
[00:24:30] Stephen: one, if you will. Yeah. And speaking of the earlier topic, isn’t it crazy? The stuff that you can update through the internet now, the TVs the the Rokus, but like our sound bar for the speaker, you can update it and I’m like, how hard is it to play?
But they add some new Bluetooth feature or they tune the Bluetooth a bit better. So the it’s you, would’ve never thought of that 20 years ago that, oh, I’ll just update my stuff over the internet.
[00:24:59] Alan: Exactly. I’ll tell you again, to let ourselves be the old guys today that there, there were any number of times where.
Before you updated something, you made a point of taking a backup and having a retreat path and all that kind of stuff. And I think it’s Facebook more than anything else that just started to say, we’re not gonna give anybody a warning. We’re not gonna make it that updates happen over new year’s Eve when nobody else is using the system, maybe a bad example for social media.
But anyway, they just started to push things out and they did. And Google did this too. Did all kinds of like AB testing. You didn’t even have a single version. You had multiple versions. They were seeing which one was the more popular, useful, et cetera. And so you had to accept a certain amount of instability.
It really could be well where by whatever button go. I used to have a submit button and now it’s over now. There’s now there’s three choices and we’ve gotten trained away from expecting. Rock solid stability with each new release. Now it’s perpetual incremental releases and sometimes it doesn’t just come with new features.
It comes with new bugs and things, stop working and yeah. And so like that for a sound bar to be like the sound comes out, but now I’ve
[00:26:10] Stephen: lost my last channel. Oh yeah. What the hell? My, my poor mother met her little tablet. We got her if it doesn’t update and something doesn’t go right.
And then she loses connection. She can’t figure out how to reconnect it to the wifi. My father’s ear. What are they called? ear, ear bugs, I guess ear. No, not, no hearing aids. Got it. Yes. They’re Bluetooth. So you can actually Bluetooth the stuff. So it goes right to his ear and I’m like that’s awesome.
But they break like all the time. It’s crazy. The stuff that they have the, one of the best items of mine that updates and I’ve never really had any problems is my Xbox. It gets the updates, it installs them. Now I don’t always agree with the changes. I’m like, oh, where did everything go?
But they haven’t done that too much for years, but all the software keeps getting updated. I had an old 360 game that I, it just said it got updated. I’m like, I haven’t played that in five or six years, but Hey, we did something probably what it really was we’ve got people. Playing this stuff outside of gold.
So we had to add a new API check onto all these games. So that was probably the update, but right. I’ve never had any problems with Xbox updates since I’ve had the one like 2015. So that’s cool. Give credit for that.
[00:27:28] Alan: Yeah, that really there used to be all kinds of I’ve been a developer for a long time and it used to be that there were particular packages that helped you to build your installer, that they say, here’s how we’re gonna do the system check.
So you know what operating system you’re on and what version of that and what are the things they might have installed. And then you. Do the appropriate thing. You don’t add fonts if they already have the ones that you want, you make sure that you put into the right folders. Cause folder, locations change based on how deeply buried they are in the operating system.
Some cases they’re now invisible. The regular user can’t see them. You know what I mean? So you just had to, instead of every developer out there having to figure out how to handle 30 different operating systems and configurations, they did it all for you. And that was a really handy thing to have someone leverage their knowledge of all that for you.
And having said that it occasionally that installer, when the installer broke, that it didn’t handle a certain configuration. It’s now I really do have a third party that I have to go to with, I didn’t do this myself. Your install did it for me, but it, how do I retreat? What do I do?
Because the client is unhappy. You know what I mean? Like at, oh, it. When the internet of things IOT first became available. One of the things that people talked about a lot was what about security? Like it, isn’t only a matter of, oh no, the camera on my TV might be spying on me. It’s wow, if you’ve got like a home dialysis machine, you can’t have that, not work.
You can’t have someone’s peacemaker be in intruded into. And so they really what was, it was a particular operating system before they started to try to run. And those were Linux or others that specialized in being embedded chips. And it really was just, why am I not
[00:29:10] Stephen: thinking Java did that a lot?
[00:29:12] Alan: This was even before Java. It was maybe it was called like OS nine. Okay. It was something like that because there was actually. Conflict where somebody got to OS nine, maybe apple may be windows and said we’re gonna call it ours because we’ve had OS one through Wade, and this is the natural progression, but this guy already had all kinds of trademarks and copyrights for, I think it was OS nine I’m.
I’m sorry if I’m not perfect. Yeah, I don’t mean, but yeah, the fact that we’ve stopped doing this chip set has a heartened operating system that’s guaranteed to work. Nothing can intrude. We started to make it that it’s just it’s windows, that’s running your ice cream machine. You know what I mean? And then, and kinda funny, we always make these segues wired had a great article.
Have you heard about this saga McDonald’s has ice cream machines that work only so well, they break down often. They don’t handle all the parameters of exactly how to keep it cool to make sure yours is always the same kind of perfect. Custard has to be a exact consistency for it to be not too running, not too free.
A third party wrote something that was going to fix all the glitches in what was going wrong with this particular machines. They’re not built by McDonald’s, but they like McDonald’s has an exclusive, these guys it’s very much an incestuous relationship. They started to like, they sued the guys that fixed everything.
And made it so that and sent out things to all McDonald’s is saying don’t buy. And I wish I, I wanna be able to name names, but probably that’s not a great idea. Yeah. don’t buy this because we it’s unapproved and but it’s fixing something that you guys haven’t fixed in two or three years.
I don’t want not sell my McFlurries
[00:30:54] Stephen: because, but we’ve got a good deal going with them.
[00:30:56] Alan: So honestly there’s this whole weird saga of that kind of, not even intellectual property ownership, but just territoriality and. It’s broken, we won’t fix it, but we’re not gonna let anybody else fix it.
Who thinks like
[00:31:10] Stephen: that? You know what I mean, corporations, we’ve talked about that it’s corporation thing
[00:31:14] Alan: corporations do as compared to, and you might know about this Lego for a while. They started to put out, they had Lego intelligence to programmable Legos that you could build. I have one and first they, they started to then unfortunately go after people that were expanding beyond the bounds of what Lego thought you should be able to do with this thing, really.
And somebody somewhere must have made a big presentation that said, you’re ING this incredible creative. They love Legos. They want to show off what they can do with Legos. If you come down hard on these guys, you’re gonna, you’re gonna take that away. And if anything, they’ll turn against you and say I had a cool simulated silo where the little thing goes up and dumps the grain, and then you made me stop doing it.
Lego did 180 degree and they embraced the whole open and made everything open sourced. They made it so that everybody could do it. My, my faith in a corporation.
[00:32:10] Stephen: Yeah.
[00:32:10] Alan: That’s because Lego was willing to
[00:32:12] Stephen: do it. And that’s smart of them. That’s super smart because we’ve seen other examples of how the modern way of thinking.
Is not the old way. TikTok is a great example. There were a lot of companies like pulling wanting to Sue and pulling people’s accounts because, oh, you used our song for your video. Then they found the ones that didn’t the song spread like wildfire and sold a ton. They’re like, wait a second.
That’s not how it should work, but it’s changing the thinking. So I love that Lego did that because you’re right. If they had clamped down the, a large part of the maker group would’ve maker, pro rebelled, and it, they would’ve stopped by in Lego and. That’s when a third party comes in and says, Hey, we’ll embrace you guys.
Our little bricks are the same sizes use ours, but we’ll help you and support you. And it would’ve really probably hurt. That’s how big corporations get overturned and someone else takes over that’s. So I love that they did that. That’s great.
[00:33:10] Alan: Yeah. It uh, and I wish I had more examples that I could chime in with of all the other corporations that have wised up boy, I’ll.
[00:33:17] Stephen: Microsoft mic I know Microsoft’s still a huge corporation and they still have their issues, but they’re C sharp and their asp.net and the not net stuff. And now they have, they took a community version of their visual studio product. And they have this, like this web development app that everybody loves and everybody’s made plugins for, and it’s very open source.
Even that big corporation learned some lessons and they come from the day when they charged you to use an internet browser.
[00:33:51] Alan: right. And it’s kind funny again Oracle still has clamps on things involving Java and stuff like that. And databases. Whereas apple is you said, much more open source.
The developers, everything about the developer suite is now free. Having been at the worldwide developer conference, it was nice to not have to renew my developer license. Like I did the last, I don’t know, 10 out of the last 15 years because they finally came to we have an army of millions.
That’s doing this cool stuff for free. We can have an army of billions if we make it free, even
[00:34:22] Stephen: yes. We make more money if it’s free. That’s a weird thought, but that’s
[00:34:26] Alan: So I’m looking forward to I don’t know. I haven’t really done much. The internet of things, house wise, I don’t have a digital dumb lock on my door.
I don’t have alarm systems, please don’t listen to everybody. Who’s getting to attack me. And later Ellen’s address is I just have an old deadbolt and I do have I have little camera and stuff like that, but it’s nowhere near the coordinated thing that it could be. But I also don’t want to, I there’s something about, I don’t want whatever that there’s trade offs as to whether it’s security or whether it’s I’m spying on myself.
And if anybody breaks into that, they’re gonna be like, oh, here’s Al and his skis or something like that. You know what I mean? I’ll think I’ll spare the world that
[00:35:09] Stephen: I don’t know if this is actually still true, but we had a sheriff, a Cleveland sheriff living next to us for a while. And he said, the best deterrent is you put a sign out that says, beware of dog.
And then you get a really big dog bowl and put ’em by the front door. He said, it’s the best deterrent because they cruise by, they see it and they just move on.
[00:35:30] Alan: And honestly, they’re not looking to Rob every house. They’re looking to Rob the easy market houses, burglarized it’s kinda, I dunno why this always occurs to me, but.
One at one point, somebody corrected me and said robbery is where you’re doing it to a person. Burglary is where you’re breaking in without people being there. So whenever I use it wrongly, just out of babbling, I try to always say, okay, learn the lesson. It’s burglary.
[00:35:53] Stephen: Okay. So you’ve watched the boys, I’ve watched Kenobi. We haven’t talked shows in a while, even though there’s been some good stuff
[00:36:01] Alan: There’s too much good TV, as, you
[00:36:02] Stephen: know, have you watched any of Ms. Marvel? No, I have not. Okay. Not that long yet either. So tell me a little bit about the boys, cuz I so wanna see it because Jensen ales is in it and the first two seasons have been fantastic.
[00:36:16] Alan: Yeah. Yeah. So he’s playing soldier, boy, he’s playing kind of the equivalent of the winter soldier, where he got captured and terrible things were done to him and they, by experimenting on him, they learn things about how superpowers work and so forth. He the show overall is it’s as adult, as you can imagine, yes.
Or what would it really be like to have superpowers and where would you have gotten them from? And if it’s the government or if it’s corporations or if it’s accidents, who would be continually trying to. Control that and turn you into a weapon and these are
[00:36:49] Stephen: not, these are not Superman, they’re not the goody two shoes.
They have motives absolutely. And their own agendas. And they’re crazy. And ,
[00:36:58] Alan: that’s right. I mean that when you have the power of a God, you start to think you’re a God until another God comes along and then you have conflict
[00:37:05] Stephen: And or you get like a train. He just wants to be rich and popular.
That’s right. The fact that you’re, they really have captured all the conversations that comic book guys used to have sitting around with. If you really had superpowers, what would you do with it? Would you get rich? Would get all the women, men, would you get how would you as a, as an individual, how would you get power? How would you keep it? The world’s a big even Superman can’t fix every problem. He can’t even make the world substantially better. Substantially better means curing poverty or something like that. And actually there’s some interesting comic books that it done takes on.
[00:37:42] Alan: If you really had that kind of power, you really would not spend your money on back alley muggers. You’d spend it on let’s cure cancer. Let’s have more airable land.
[00:37:52] Stephen: I remember was hungry. I thought there was a Superman story where he went and got like an iceberg and held it over a place that had a drought and it melted and solved it.
There you go. That’s right.
[00:38:03] Alan: And who handle. Adulation and worship does it swell their head or are they aware that no, I have my own limitations as well. The fact that I’m bigger, better, faster, stronger does not make me that I’m wiser necessarily. Or if your problem is that you’re super intelligent, but you’re aware of how much they’re still to learn, but everybody wants to think that you’ll be able to solve everything.
So they really explore all that. It really isn’t a Biff bam P show where it’s continual fights against alien Menas or subterranean monsters or something. It’s very much the. Human relations and how there’s continual maneuvering and loved, lost, and found.
[00:38:42] Stephen: And the thing said quite often, watching the show is, oh no, they’re not gonna do.
Oh, they did that. that’s right. I Every episode that’s
[00:38:51] Alan: right. Never seen this before. Yeah, exactly. And of course the special effects are great. It’s per we are in that age where anything you can imagine, you can make look real. And so it’s really disturbingly convincing sometimes. Yes.
How it looks drastically.
[00:39:06] Stephen: They, they kept Garth Ennis. Crazy psychotic vision alive very well.
[00:39:13] Alan: And for me, a big part of the show is it’s not that just they’re using the comic books as script and filming the comic books. They diverted from the comic books series, like by episode three or something like that.
And so I get that sense of not knowing what’s gonna happen. They weave various different elements in the team, teen teams and the government involvement and formula V and whatever else it might be. But they have people that seem determined to say not, we can do better than Garth, but more he just didn’t explore every avenue exists.
Let’s not do this as a side project. Let’s make this a main theme for half the season because it’s a big thing. Yeah. And so I’m really digging it. And I’m really like, there is a certain amount of people who haven’t don’t know much about comic books. If they watch this show. It’d be kinda like if you don’t know much about manga or anime, and the first thing is, oh, there’s tentacle creatures, raping people.
You would say, if it’s all like that, I’m not letting little Billy read that. No this is a bad example of yes. Gonna go
[00:40:17] Stephen: adult. It, it does answer the question. If you have a man that is invisible and his skin is impervious, how do you kill him? They answer that question I’ve wondered that.
Exactly. And they that’s. Right? Yeah. They took care of it. so season three is living up to expectations. It
[00:40:34] Alan: really is. You know what I mean? Like another thing it’s good about it is that. It’s realistic in terms of actions have consequences. That there’s things that people do, and that they now have to hide the fact that they did something wrong or that when someone gets hurt, they don’t go in the magic purple healing raise and come back.
Sometimes they’re convalescing and they never are right again. So there’s all kinds of interesting complications. They keep introducing. New characters, new situations, new people from their past. So you find out how they came to be who they are. The main protagonist and antagonists are both really convincingly good.
And so you’re waiting for that final, big battle and what’s gonna happen, but there’s so much that’s building up to that. So yes, I recommended highly
[00:41:16] Stephen: it’s. Oh, it’s on my list. It’s on my list. I you think my to read book list is long. My to watch TV show list is oh man, movies are coming out, forget movies.
I got so much TV to catch up on. And it’s summer and I will say this it, the fact that they’re divergent from the comic books, it’s kinda like game of Thrones. The TV show is not better than the comic books. It’s just different. It’s absolutely worth going back and reading Garth Brooks and Derek, Robert boy, Derek Garson.
[00:41:45] Alan: They did a fantastic job for an extended period of time, multiple volumes, multiple years. So if you’re looking to get a whole bunch of that background built in and then still know that you’re not gonna see exactly that portrayed the kind books are absolutely worth it. Yeah. There were some of the few stories I’ve gone back and reread because these time they came out, I devoured it and it’s I’ll go back and reread it in a calmer frame of mind and see what I might have missed.
It’s my frenzy to get through it.
[00:42:10] Stephen: And yeah I personally like. That they, and any show that they kept the spirit and they kept the feel and the level of everything from the comics, but they didn’t just take the comics and put ’em on the screen. I know some people are like it wasn’t exactly what was in the comic.
I read the comics, I want something else. Give me what’s good here. So I like that.
[00:42:34] Alan: I I don’t, I’m not enough about the scuttle, but of what’s being talked about for licensing and maybe making into things. But when you get something like Watchman, that many people called unfilmable for a long time, and you get a director who really can take it on a special effects are good enough.
And now the boys seem kind of thing. It gives me hope that we’re finally gonna see planetary on the screen or something that are like my favorite series of all time that were. So big, so good in what they were doing, that you really wondered, how would this cost too much to make? Do they have the right?
Will they find the right actors to portray the various different characters? And then you start to see the occasional here’s my dream casting for this? Oh, are they even talking about it? Are they gonna make this? And so I’m so much of a fanboy in that regard. And. Man. I’d love to see planetary.
I I, I don’t know if you know this series as well, but
[00:43:25] Stephen: don’t, I’ve heard, you’ve mentioned,
[00:43:27] Alan: man. There, there are a great series for if you read amorously across folklore and science fiction and comic books and everything else, this series weaves all that very well together and not for the last 20 years, but for the last 150.
So you get references to the Jules Vernon, the Victor Hugo, and the Victor level stuff, as well as Godzilla and the menagerie of creatures from that and bold monster movies. And it’s just man, the old hammer horror films. And by seeing all those. It makes it sound like this guy just threw the kitchen sink in.
No, he really did a great job with kinda like the Wolf Newton universe that I’ve talked about. But there really might be relationships there and that if you explore how there’s a through line, that it all ties together, finding those connections is itself an active genius. It’s just very cool to say, okay.
That, that could work. That’s plausible. It rewards the NIS reader to see all their favorites might be part of an even bigger tapestry. Nice. And that’s really
[00:44:29] Stephen: cool. Yeah, that would be cool. I’ll have to check that out. I know you’ve mentioned it, so I’ll have to yeah. Go look that up.
So lemme tell you about Kenobi. Okay. The newest star wars series Watch it there’s nothing else to say. It is some of the best star wars, even better than Mandalorian. It was just fantastic. Colin and I both agreed watch. We watched all of ’em once one a week as they came out and we agreed that there is nothing we can really complain about with this show.
It’s, that’s fantastic. Across
[00:44:58] Alan: knowledgeable critics, you’d really have, oh, that
[00:45:01] Stephen: wasn’t great. And I know people disagree with us, but all it’s
[00:45:05] Alan: not, Guness obviously it’s you and McGregor,
[00:45:08] Stephen: right? It’s okay. And so here’s just today, the episode that came out they have Hayden Christiansen in it as Darth Vader and they explore the relationship between Ankin and obiwan to more depth.
And it does bring up a few things like, ah, that makes sense with what happened in the original trilogy. And there’s just some great things. I talked about third sister, the inquisitor that everybody was trolling on the internet. Forget about them. She’s so fantastic. The special. I no real spoilers here.
You could probably imagine if Darth Vader or Obi won in it. You’re going to have a big battle here, right? It was better than any of the movies. It was the best light saber battle ever. We fantastic loved it. The star destroyer chasing an escaping ship, brought back a few scenes from the old movies and it looked as good as anything they put on the big screen, the special doth Fedder walking onto the bridge it, the bridge was identical on tattooing.
Their little homestead was identical. It didn’t look sped up. It didn’t look shiny. It looked just like it did in episode four and the storyline explores OB one. You will love the little girl that plays Leia. She is so fantastic. And you can see princess Leia in there and it is that’s cool.
So good. She did so good. The writers nailed her character. This little girl, the director kids can be hard. I hear to get the right thing out of, yeah. He must have done worked with her when McGregor, I heard worked with her and she is just nailing it. Every episode, everything.
There’s nothing about this show that I hated.
[00:46:56] Alan: So wonderful. Good for you. So our one of the things I really like about the Mandalorian is that John fro really gets star wars and really made it, so it has that sense of spectacle, that sense of mythology and saga. Who’s the show for this one. Do you remember, is it, is fro still, or is it cause
[00:47:13] Stephen: star was Figgy.
Okay. I think.
[00:47:18] Alan: Okay. So that. I he’s more Marvel, but if he’s now.
[00:47:26] Stephen: Entering the star wars. Very interesting. Cause he does, I could be totally wrong. I’d probably just say that totally
[00:47:32] Alan: wrong. I’ll look it up. That’s you know?
[00:47:34] Stephen: Yeah. I’m sure if someone listens they’ll tell me how wrong I am. I wasn’t paying attention to that honestly, but Colin would know.
He always knows that stuff, but again, it I liked the force awakens movie when it came out. I know a lot of people said, eh, and I did not like last Jedi and rise of Skywalker. I just cannot like those movies, but I thought force awaken was good. This show is better than all three of those put together.
Fantastic. It’s so good. And if they will make a huge mistake. If they do not keep this little girl and in a couple years, make a series of princess Leia. If they don’t do that, they are so missing an opportunity, just X 23, the girl that played Wolverine’s daughter do anything else with her.
And she was so good. That was a huge mistake. Yeah. Yeah. They need to use this little girl.
[00:48:24] Alan: Very good. And I, as, as much as there. Too much good TV. What I really wanna watch is the best stuff. Not just mindless. I once in a while until 11 o’clock at night and it’s oh, a Rooter horror movie that I hadn’t seen.
He didn’t really do quality stuff all of his career. And so I’ve watched some stinkers, but that a recommendation from a friend who’ opinion, I think is good. That what could be better. And how is it like a 10 episode arc? Is it a whole season?
[00:48:52] Stephen: I think eight it’s done that.
[00:48:55] Alan: They’ve been releasing it each week and now it’s all available.
Yeah. I really don’t like to, I really to do. If not one a week, at least one every couple days, so that I get a chance to you should yeah. And think about it and stuff like that, okay. That’s that’s fantastic. But when I’m hiding from this heat, that’s something I can do in that. The cool of my home.
[00:49:14] Stephen: Yes. Okay. And the other show Ms. Marvel, that’s on and it’s still ongoing for a little bit. Oh, by the way. Dr. Strange multiverse madness is on Disney now. So you can watch that again. I might rewatch
[00:49:26] Alan: that exactly. Cuz there man, there’s so much going on. Yeah. And seeing in the movie theater, as much as I reveled in it, I really would like to be able to like, oh, so I missed this and this because it’s just overwhelming you when you’re seeing the big theater.
[00:49:39] Stephen: Okay. So that’s there, but Ms. Marvel is really good. I, I. Kenobi, it’s hard. You can’t compare ’em, they’re different. They’re different shows they’re meant differently. Ms. Marvel’s well worth a watch. You’ll enjoy it. The girl that plays her, it’s her first time acting. She is nailing this part. They’ve really gotten good at getting the right people.
And I love the little glimpses into Pakistani life. They live in New Jersey, but they still celebrate their culture and stuff. And there’s little things here and there that I like and I know in today’s world with everything going on, there’s probably people out there really upset about this, but she’s been a Pakistani character for 20 years or whatever, okay. And they didn’t change it. They nailed it. Colin said they changed some of her powers and he wasn’t sure about that, but he’s loving this show. Okay. They, I had that
[00:50:33] Alan: impression too. Some of the trailers or whatever that I’ve seen is that she now she’s got energy casting powers instead of shapeshifting powers.
Yeah. Where’s the mega bands, the captain Marvel thing. Whereas before it wasn’t as dependent on the inheritance of all that from captain Marvel, CRE warrior and stuff like that. So I’ll have to see how that compares.
[00:50:52] Stephen: Okay. It was hard light constructs. They even mentioned hard light. They didn’t say constructs.
Okay. But Collin was like, oh my gosh, they really did mention it. So it does tie into the MCU. Pretty good that way.
Okay. So hard light concept sounds very green. Lanter mm-hmm yeah, it does. Mm-hmm okay. One other one. Did you see Mor? Yes. Did you? I really liked this. It was Midland. OK.
[00:51:14] Alan: OK. See I thought it was one of those. Because it’s not a mainstream Marvel movie. They didn’t have to make a point of here’s how it ties into the Avengers.
And here’s how it’s precursor to
[00:51:25] Stephen: others, even though they tried at the end to do that. But that’s a weird way to put it. They did that as an add on, instead of that being a whole thing throughout, so right. Some of the, like the scenes of him riding air currents and stuff like that, because now he’s Mr.
[00:51:40] Alan: Hollow bone, bird creature, but that kinda stuff, some of those, the way that they showed his fast movement, not being. Super speed sustained. But more like burst of movement with little after images. I thought that was very effective. It was good. And yeah, so I liked it. I’m not sure that it was enough to say, oh, there’s another franchise character, another series, it just was, I know escapism, the more that they’re now moving, it’s funny there in some ways, following the Marvel trajectory of once they started doing Marvel horror, you’re wondering we’re gonna see a real version of Marvel Dracula and of the monster of Frankenstein. And they had when the comics code was.
Relieved so that they could start doing things again, they had really good versions of wel finite slash moon night and stuff like that. And I’m waiting to see what they do with Summerdale. All right.
[00:52:33] Stephen: My biggest problems with the movie was, I didn’t think, first of all, it was an origin story and I didn’t think it was a super strong origin story.
I dunno it. Okay. And I don’t think the story itself was bad. I think it was just needed maybe pumped up in a few places. Maybe. I don’t know, but I also didn’t think the antagonist was very strong. I don’t think they built that relationship enough to make it like, oh my God, what’s going to happen. It was kinda like okay.
But I love Matt Smith, so
[00:53:05] Alan: right. And honesty. Isn’t that true? That. Heroes are only as good as their villains. You know what I mean? In a lot of ways, the villain is the one that gets a chance to chew more scenery or have a more tragic story or a more mega men story or whatever else it might be. So that’s interesting.
And you’re and it’s nice to see Matt Smith just cause I really like him as Dr. Who, and he has a life beyond Dr. Who just like David tenant proved to also be multifaceted in what he could do
[00:53:32] Stephen: beyond Dr. Both of them in Marvel at some point. Yes, exactly. So a purple man. yes. Which also has a slight tie into my alpha flight favorites, cuz his purple man’s daughter was an alpha flight a bit.
So here was something I was trying to explain to column and he didn’t quite get, I said the way the movie flowed the shots, the angles, the length of the scenes. Not that I could like pinpoint, but as I’m watching, I’m going, wow, this feels like a Sony pictures. Superhero movie. And he looked at me like, what do you mean?
I’m like, it’s just, you go back to venom. You go back to the amazing Spider-Man and maybe even others, I’m not thinking of, it’s just, it started, it’s wow, this it’s almost dejavu. I almost felt dejavu. It’s like the exact same feel for every scene. If you put the movies in some layer mechanism that’s a very interesting observation
[00:54:26] Alan: that there’s a difference in the core of what’s a Sony movie versus a Marvel studios movie.
Yes. Versus that’s very interesting.
[00:54:34] Stephen: So it was just maybe just me, but that, but I just, it popped in my head multiple times I started like flashes of venom, flashes of amazing Spiderman. And I’m just like it just feels like those and stuff. So I know that’s just me.
[00:54:49] Alan: Maybe we might have talked about this before one of my The opinion that gets me like doesn’t make me any friends is I think venom is a ridiculous character and that whole universe of symbiotes.
And now is it crawl, call the king of the symbiotes and it’s just the suspension of disbelief that I need to have somebody put on a Symbio costume, if you will. And then he has no bone structure. He, his whole body can be twisted and his mouth can gap. And I just I don’t like. The worship of he’s really violent, terribly violent, but as long as he’s violent against the bad guys, that’s okay.
It’s I don’t wanna read about a pit bull comic. I don’t wanna read about like random violence, but don’t worry. Most of the time it’s directed in the right. I don’t know. I, we all, everybody has their favorites, right? Whatever that fan love for venom. The fan love for ghost writer, which another, like that’s just so lame.
There’s so much more they could do with the Christian mythology. The satanic mythology looked supernatural about what you could do, treated that as fertile ground and instead, and especially the way that they’ve worked on ghost writer to now make it that he’s like up in the top Pantheon of strongest marble characters.
[00:56:07] Stephen: That’s yeah. That’s I agree.
[00:56:10] Alan: That’s just not true. There’s no way that the pen and stare is gonna. Deal with someone who can control things at the molecular level. Do you know what I’m trying to say?
[00:56:19] Stephen: Yeah. Oh so I’ll throw out and I just thought of this with you saying that I’m not the biggest venom fan.
I thought he was good with Spider-Man. I like the whole black suit, original black suit, not the 20 remakes or whatever. But so they made this aliens venom was an alien. Okay. Whatever, but what if he was really from another dimension and all my quantum physics talk, what if he’s controlling things at the molecular level and really is drawing from another dimension and reshaping forming in a way science can explain right now, I know that takes some of the luster off the creature, but you
[00:56:57] Alan: know, it, maybe someone’s gonna find a way to re combat.
Make it, so that’s great. What was really going on all along was this thing. And it’s funny. We haven’t done an episode about this I love comic books, but this was speed force, the flash, somehow having tapping into something called the speed force, as opposed to physics, really working like it does.
And that it’s you’re saying, don’t worry, fire all along really was flow just on. We just didn’t understand it. No, we moved on a flow just on to really understanding combustion and oxidation and all the ways in which it’s just, it’s a weak concept. And Mark Wade has written so many wonderful kind books.
But on this one, what a total fumble to me. And yet now it became a huge part of the DC universe trust point and the amazing, the turtle that slows it down. That is his opposite. It’s now just part of the structure of what’s going on. And I’ve always thought it was flawed. Please fix that.
Please make it better than that. And they haven’t. So
[00:58:00] Stephen: if you wanna talk physics, there’s a whole lot about flash that doesn’t make the physics work. There could be a whole book I’m sure on that stuff, the dude would be totally dead first time Adams
[00:58:13] Alan: and maybe that’s why I came Bob. They had to find a way to explain a way.
Yeah. Friction would kill him. A sudden stop would kill him. You know what I mean? There’s you, his him vibrating his molecules enough so he can pass through things that maybe, but what, it’s. I don’t know why I would pick on that in particular, the suspension of disbelief that you have to have for pretty much any superhero.
Yeah, absolutely. But I don’t know, that just seemed like all the stuff they’ve built up around Superman about so different gravity, yellow sun versus red there, it, I don’t know. It makes a certain kind of sense. Whereas compared to chemicals spilled on him and I don’t know it, it seemed almost like golden age stupid.
This guy used to be able to turn into Johnny quick, Johnny lightning, where he’d recite a speed formula X, two Y KR or whatever like that. It’s like that’s magic and.
[00:59:12] Stephen: Oh they gotta come up with something different and new, every character can have the same reason for their powers.
[00:59:19] Alan: I guess exactly. All right. okay. A joy anything we have to touch on? Let’s see. What’s anything else current? No, I think we covered it all.
[00:59:28] Stephen: Yeah. Yeah. We still got a list of things from the past couple weeks we can hit next week.
[00:59:33] Alan: That’s river towns, mini golf. We’ll keep going. Exactly.
Yep. Yep. I okay. Always a pleasure. Steven, take care later, man. Byebye.